Internet Armor Pro

Terms Of Service

Modified: October 16, 2023

The following Terms of Service ("Terms") outline the rules and conditions governing access to and usage of the Content ("Content") and Services ("Services") offered by Internet Armor Pro ("we", "us", "Company"). This encompasses our website ("Website"), application range ("Apps"), and any software developed by Internet Armor Pro ("Software").


By engaging with our Content or Services, you or the entities you act on behalf of ("you") confirm that you have comprehended, read, and agreed to be bound by these Terms in full. This constitutes a legally enforceable contract ("Agreement") between you and Internet Armor Pro. These stipulations are relevant for all users, including those availing premium offerings. If any section of these Terms is not in alignment with your views, we suggest abstaining from our services.


Internet Armor Pro reserves the discretion to revise or refine segments of this Agreement whenever necessary. With your permission, we may communicate changes to these Terms through avenues like email, in-app notifications, or push notifications. It's your responsibility to keep abreast of such changes. Your continued engagement with Internet Armor Pro's Content and Services post-modifications signifies your acceptance of the adjusted Terms.


Internet Armor Pro refrains from logging or saving data like web traffic, DNS queries, online behavior, or VPN endpoint addresses. When registering or making purchases, Internet Armor Pro requires details such as email and payment particulars, primarily for client support and invoicing purposes.

Our approach to data usage is detailed in the Privacy Statement on our website. Before employing our services, we recommend acquainting yourself with this Statement.

We commit to not sharing user data with third parties and will only comply with data release requests if compelled by a legal directive.


While Internet Armor Pro holds all rights not explicitly accorded to you, you are provided a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access our service. Our Services cannot be altered, shared, leased out, commercially used, or made accessible to outsiders.

Any rights not directly granted to you remain under the ownership of Internet Armor Pro.


You are responsible for ensuring that your interactions with our Website, Apps, Software, and Services always adhere to local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. In addition to following these Terms during your engagements with the Website, Apps, Software, or Services, it's imperative to also conform to relevant legal standards and instructions.

The security of your Internet Armor Pro account credentials rests with you. You will be held accountable for any activities executed on our platforms using your login credentials. Should you become aware of or suspect any unauthorized access to your account, it's vital to promptly inform Internet Armor Pro.

When using our Service, you commit to abstain from:

Sending unwanted content, such as spam.

Disseminating content that violates laws or is deemed harmful, offensive, discriminatory, or breaches intellectual property rights or privacy legislations.

Uploading or accessing copyrighted material without the express consent of its rightful owners.

Distributing or accessing any content that improperly depicts minors.

Illegally attempting to gain access to the Service or associated systems, for example, through unauthorized channels or hacking attempts.

Carrying out activities that may interfere with or diminish the optimal experience for other users, including excessive bandwidth use over extended durations.

Should you contravene the Service's terms or relevant laws, Internet Armor Pro holds the authority to suspend or terminate your account and Service access without prior warning or recompense.


Services are offered "as is" and "as available", without any express or implied warranties from Internet Armor Pro. We make no guarantees that our Services will fulfill all your expectations, be continuously accessible, or that specific functionalities will always be operational. You should understand that any engagement with our platform and Services is entirely at your discretion and risk.

The performance of our VPN Service can fluctuate based on various factors, such as server proximity, quality, or speed. There might be occasional disruptions due to reasons like third-party service outages, network issues, or hardware failures. Internet Armor Pro does not bear responsibility for any inconsistencies in preserving the precision, quality, or privacy of your information or communications, regardless of the underlying cause.

Internet Armor Pro reserves the right to set usage limits, temporarily halt the Service, or restrict certain types of activities at its own judgment.


Under no conditions, whether grounded in contract, tort, strict liability, negligence, or any other legal basis, shall Internet Armor Pro be held accountable for indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, or punitive damages arising from the services. Regardless of being alerted to the potential for such damages, neither Internet Armor Pro nor its partners, affiliates, parent companies, members, leaders, or employees shall bear responsibility for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, or incidental harm or any other types of damages. Some regions may not permit such exclusions, so this provision may not be applicable in areas where the law disallows it.


Internet Armor Pro holds proprietary rights to the Service, including its visual elements, data, servers, features, software, graphics, and all other associated components.


By using the Content and Service, you commit to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Internet Armor Pro, its staff, members, leaders, agents, suppliers, and its affiliated entities along with their employees, agents, officers, stakeholders, and representatives from any claims, costs, including legal fees, arising out of your engagement with the Content and Service or your breach of this Agreement. While Internet Armor Pro may take primary responsibility for handling such issues, you still remain obligated to fulfill your indemnification duties.